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Extra Super Tadarise Tablet


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Sort Out Problem Of Erectile Limitation & Untimely Ejaculation With Extra Super Tadarise 

It has been said that you get wasted on the young! The energetic body, muscles, ambition along sexual vigour that people enjoy while being young seem to be quite fleeting. Most of people in their teens, even in their 20s, 30s not aware of the fact that life can change dramatically even in an unforeseen and unwelcomed manner.

Nothing is more feared and understood by males then problems in their erectile & ejaculatory patterns. A bit of silver lining among these sexual disorders is that there are many therapies and guidelines available for its cure. Lowering weight, and blood pressure & adopting a Healthy lifestyle goes a long way. One remarkable remedy that has been proven to be very successful in bringing men and their partners back on track is the oral therapeutic drug Super Tadarise!

Overview about Extra Super Tadarise

Extra Super Tadarise is a generic propelled impotency medication that is utilized for sorting out the problem of both erectile limitation and untimely discharge. This causes the patient to attain a more grounded erection, thereby assisting them in remaining for a longer time in bed. It is comprised of two dynamic components tadalafil-40 mg & dapoxetine-60mg. In fact this medication is considered to be one of the best provisions for treating both erectile limitation and early ejaculation responses by taking just one single product. One of the most remarkable things is that this medication is called as the weekend pill. And the reason is that it can help to last the erections for as long as 36 hours. As it allows the man to achieve better responses over their erections and extraordinary control over ejaculation.

Substances present in Extra Super Tadarise 

The main actionable segments of Extra Super Tadarise include tadalafil- 40 mg & Dapoxetine-60 mg encouraging the men to perform better and last longer in bed.

Who is manufacturer of Extra Super Tadarise? 

One of the leading pharmaceutical companies with its headquarters in India, Powerpillss which is WHO, GMP certified, produces the drugs for curing erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation and has a very strong branding in the Global market for releasing this extraordinary product.

Uses of Extra Super Tadarise 

The stressful life of today has increased the prevalence of sexual disorders like impotence and achieving early climax even in younger men today. But this revolutionary product, Extra Super Tadarise is here to provide relief from both disorders acting as two in one pill for impotence and early ejaculation response, and has been widely accepted by men globally for these purposes.

Drug action mechanism

The Extra Super Tadarise demonstrates its action owing to the blend of two ingredients- Tadalafil as well as dapoxetine. So, dapoxetine is acting by enhancing as well as retarding the serotonin hormone breakdown. Serotonin is a chemical substance existing within the nervous system and this prevents the level of the hormone to go high while slowing down the climax.

The tadalafil loosens up the muscular system, facilitating the enriched flow of the blood to arteries for long-lasting and proper erections. So, erections could last for as long as 4 hours and delayed ejaculation time is attained. This imparts both men and their partners quite satisfactory of the intimate experiences.

Administration of Extra Super Tadarise

Always ensure to take the Extra Super Tadarise tablet in the correct dosage as well as the duration which is prescribed by the physician. The pill needs to be swallowed in whole pieces and it is not to be cut into parts, chewed, or even crushed. The sexual wellness product can be taken either with or without the meal but make sure to consume the pill at the fixed duration.

Side effects of taking Extra Super Tadarise

Just like other drugs, Extra Super Tadarise may also provoke adversaries. But most of the individuals don’t experience any such ill effects. The adverse effects can take place while the patient is getting used to the pill or competent become intolerable :

  • Dizziness
  • Flushing
  • Heart Burn
  • Stuffy Nose
  • Headaches
  • Mild Pain
  • Nausea
  • Giddiness
  • Runny Nasal Passage
  • Facial Puffiness

Drug Interactions

There are some of the drugs that should not be used while already taking Extra Super Tadarise. The reason is the possibility that some kind of interaction might take place.

Using below below-mentioned drugs with Extra Super Tadarise is not at all recommended as it leads to counter interaction. However, this is not an all-inclusive list necessarily

Boceprevir drug

  • Erythrityl Tetranitrate pill
  • Isosorbide Dinitrate medication
  • Isosorbide Mononitrate drug
  • Nitroglycerin medicine
  • Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate pill
  • Propatyl Nitrate
  • Riociguat drug
  • Telaprevir drug
  • Vericiguat pill
  • Amyl Nitrite pill

Warning & Precautions Measures to know before taking Extra Super Tadarise

  • Inform your doctor if you are already consuming prescription/ OTC drugs/ some kind of herbal or dietary supplements
  • In case of experiencing cardiac difficulties, for example, unstable angina while having sexual activity/ uncontrollable/ irregular heartbeat/ low or uncontrollable blood pressure, don’t take this sexual illness-curing pill
  • Under the condition of experiencing cardiac arrest in the past three months or having already undergone critical heart failure/ stroke in the past 5- 6 months.
  • In case the physician has already advised you to avoid intimate activity owing to your cardiac issues.
  • The Extra Super Tadarise is intended only for men who are older than 18 years. This is not at all intended to be utilized by females, kids or teenagers
  • If you are on nitrates/ alpha blockers/ or taking some other forms of the drugs, then don’t take this sexual wellness medicine
  • Contact physician fast in case of experiencing priapism( medical condition where penis stays hard for more than 4 hours and doesn’t become flaccid)
  • Also don’t indulge in driving activity or working on some heavy machinery unless and until you know how the Extra Super Tadarise is impacting you

Storage Conditions

The Storage of the pill packet has to be done below temperature conditions of less than 28 degrees. Never refrigerate and don’t keep the pills container near exposure to direct sunlight. Besides that store drugs in a dark, dry place, and don’t let your kids or pets reach out to Extra Super Tadarise pills.

From where to buy Extra Super Tadarise?

Now, there is no need for you to run from one pharmacy shop to another. The online pharmacy brings forward for you medicine sourcing service, everything at one platform. The e-drug store can be accessed 24*7 to fulfill your sexual health requirements. Buy Extra Super Tadarise online, take the stress off your own shoulders, and simply concentrate on the recovery of your sexual health. Upload a copy of the prescription that you are having right there and simply proceed forward to check out.

Browse, the online pharmacy portal today! 

Additional information


Tadalafil (40mg ) + Dapoxetine (60mg)

Dosage Form


Equivalent Brand

Tadalafil Dapoxetine Tablets

Generic Name

Tadalafil / Dapoxetine


Erectile dysfunction with premature ejaculation


Sunrise Remedies Pvt Ltd


10 tablets in 1 strip

Delivery Time

6 To 15 days

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